U gradu u kojem prošlost susreće budućnost; gdje se rijeka spaja s morem, a tišina i spokoj Visovca se nadovezuju na dinamiku i strastvenost Skradinskog buka; među romantičnim ulicama slikovitog, malenog, a opet tako magičnog Skradina čija stara jezgra je zaštićeni spomenik kulture; svoje goste i posjetitelje dočekuje Villa Bonaca.
Hotel se sastoji od dvanaest prostranih i moderno uređenih dvokrevetnih soba od kojih svaka priča vlastitu priču i gostima omogućuje miran odmor.
Vrhunska udobnost je našim gostima zajamčena – svaka soba ima svoj prostrani balkon s kojeg se proteže divan pogled na more i marinu, veliku kupaonicu, radni kutak, klimatizacijski uređaj, televizor, sef, mini bar i bežičnu internetsku mrežu.
Excellent restaurant.
Bonaca is an amazing restaurant. Good vibes and great food. The service
(owners daughter)was phenomenal. Amazing experience and I will definitely return.
leomajice, Zagreb - Satisfied client
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Dear all, I want to share with you my unforgettable experience. Restaurant Bonaca in Skradin is something definitely what you need to visit. That place is place of good vibes and amazing hosts. Food is made traditional, music and atmosfere during the dinner time was perfect, we had girls night like in some movie. I want to tell thanks a 100 times Luca (owner and waiter) and see you ...
Sanj G. - Satisfied client
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We made a reservation for 4.
Already there she was so kind to advice is to arrive just few minutes before a big group.
I could write a big list of what was good or just say:
Perfect food. Perfect waiter. Decent prices, I've payed much more in other restaurants with similar quality. Most definitely recommended!
omid22, Munich, Germany - Satisfied client
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Unutar hotela se nalazi i restoran sa 24 sjedeća mjesta uz mogućnost dodavanja još mjesta po potrebi. Uz bogati doručak, gosti na raspolaganju imaju i mogućnost odabira posebno osmišljenog menija za ručak i večeru, sve u kombinaciji sa svježim i vrhunskim lokalnim namirnicama.
Zagrađe 21, 22222 Skradin
E-mail: villabonaca1@gmail.com